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Saturday 7 April 2018

Flamingo Pose

                                        Flamingo     pose


How   To   Do   Flamingo   pose:

Begin standing in Mountain Pose.
Shift your weight to your right leg and focus your gaze on something still in front of you.
Slowly lift the left leg,  bending the knee and pointing the sole of the foot down towards the ground.
Stay here or point your left toes drawing the foot down towards the right foot.
Begin to fold your torso towards your left thigh.
Stay here or wrap your left arm around the leg so that the knee rests on the left tricep.
Bring your right arm behind your back intending to clasp the hands together or grabbing a yoga strap with each hand.
Hold for 30 seconds and then slowly release your arms rising up and then releasing the foot to the ground.
Repeat on the other side.

Strengthens and tones the muscles of the legs
Strengthens the core muscles
Improves balance and concentration
Strengthens the arches of the feet
Stretches and opens the chest and shoulders


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