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Sunday, 8 April 2018

Shunya Mudra

                              Shunya          Mudra


How  To  Do  Shunya    Mudra:
1. Sit in a comfortable of half lotus position. You can either sit on a light mat or any regular carpet. Many experts have strongly advised not to sit directly on floor. This is because it is believed that there are some radiations from the floor which will not be good while practising any form of yoga or mudra.

You can sit with your eyes closed and open completely your choice, but closed eyes can help concentrate better.

2. Bend the middle finger in a way that it presses the ball of the thumb
3. Now, gently press the middle finger with the thumb
4. Make sure that all other fingers are gradually extended
5. Try to repeat the same with both the hands.

  • This is an excellent in dealing with hearing related issues. Shunya mudra tinnitus is a very popular remedy for resolving hearing disorders.
  • It also helps in overcoming travel sickness and vertigo related issues.
  • It is immensely helpful in case of thyroids. Haven’t you heard doctors prescribing shunya mudra thyroid???
  • This mudra is also helpful in treating people from genetic disorders of hearing.
  • It is also known to take care of numbness in any part of your body.
  • Shunya mudra is also known to benefit eternal elements.

Read   Tamil:
                          சூன்ய முத்திரை


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